SSH Brute Force Prevention
Block Brute Force with IP Tables
Sean's projects, musings and general information
Block Brute Force with IP Tables
AstralSin’s Blog – Not-so Daily blog from The Astral Sin
Alles touristen und non-technischen looken peepers! Das machinkontrol is nicht for gefengerpoken und mittengrabben. Oderwise is easy schnappen der springenverk, blowenfus, undpoppencorken mit spitzensparken. Der machine is diggen by experten only. Is nicht fur geverken by das dumpkopfen. Das rubber necken sightseenen keepen das cotton-picken hands in das pockets. So relaxen, und vatchen das blinkenlights.
I posted my first picture from Germany. While waiting for my train to depart, I took a long walk along the Main (in Frankfurt). You can view this gallery at
I have arrived safe in Frankfurt!
Check out the new published named (for privacy) Allen Chemist
My photo database has now been updated. Rather than using photodb (software I wrote), I am now using the much better “gallery” software. One more step closer to Germany!
Below are some links for logging GPS data from a serial port, on windows mobile 5 to a text file: as found by “Windows Mobile” “GPS Logger” on google